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Lectures, Training and Workshops



Hello and welcome to the events page. Here you will find information about courses, workshops and lectures run throughout the year. If you would like to receive information about these events, you are encouraged to send me an email. The next basic course in shamanic healing will be taught in May 2016. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested and I will forward you the details.


Shamanism courses are held throughout the year in Finland, and across Europe. Please note, I do not teach people how to become shamans, nor do I use anyone else's traditions. Shamanism is not something someone steps into, the craft is learned after one has received a call to undertake the work. 


Furthermore, and for ethical reasons, I uphold a policy of sustaining a drug and alcohol free environment for working and teaching practice. Drug and/or alcohol use is not supported or encouraged.


Here is a brief description of the content of the basic course.


Basic course in Shamanism and healing. The course is designed to give both newcomers and experienced individuals the opportunity to explore the Shaman?s cosmos, and to learn the ancient techniques used in shamanic healing. The main purpose for the workshop is to help each participant to make contact with their spiritual guides, who are often referred to as power animals or helping spirits, in a unique and individual way. Different spirits have different tasks, so these may vary considerably. The structure for the weekend is as follows:


Shamanism, animism and the world tree: our relationship with nature and animistic thinking; the basis for shamanism is animism. The importance of the altar, the different elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit, and understanding the different powers associated with these.


The tools of the shaman

Altered states of consciousness

The shaman?s journey into non-ordinary reality and shamanic healing

The lower, middle and upper world?s of the shaman?s cosmos

Power animal restoration

Shamanism as a way of life

Each person will need the following items:


A blanket, pillow and mat or animal hide to lie on; a scarf to cover your eyes, a rattle and writing equipment


The Price for the basic course is 240.00e per person, students and persons who are unemployed 225.00e


Introductory courses in Shamanic Healing are run throughout the year, please send email for information..




Reiki Healing course are also taught throughout the year. Below is a brief description of levels1 and 2

Please send mail for details of Reiki level 1 course for 2014. Both level 1 & 2 courses are designed to give the new student a gentle but comprehensive introduction to the ancient healing system. No previous experience is necessary, as all aspects for beginners are covered. In the weekend workshop, the following is taught:


What is Reiki, and what is its purpose: this will also include the history of Reiki and Dr Mikao Usui's rediscovery of Reiki in Japan at the beginning of the 19th century. In addition, how Usui's long search revealed the Secrets of the ancient healing system, and how it came to the West. In addition, General Information about the practice of Reiki is also discussed. Please read the rest of the course content below for level 1 students.


The Five Reiki Principles and how they work:

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.


What Happens when a person become attuned to Reiki energy?


Each person has within them, the Reiki energy, and the role of the Reiki Master-Teacher, is to switch it on, and align them with the limitless flow, that circulates throughout the body, charging every cell with new vitality, strengthening the weak and acting as a catalyst to the body's natural ability to heal itself. Once a student has been attuned to Reiki, the energy switches itself on and off automatically.


 Reiki Ethics.


When to give Reiki and when a consultation would be more helpful. Personal boundaries and the care and well-being of the client, ect.


 The 21 day Self Healing and Empowerment process (levels 1 & 2).


Learning the hand positions, for healing oneself and how not to restrict the flow of Reiki whilst giving a treatment. Also, an introduction to the different body systems, and where they are located, and how to effectively approach a number of different ailments related to them. This will also be experienced through group healing work which takes place over the course of the weekend. The self-healing period is an opportunity to introduce Reiki to your body, and to allow the power to transform and open up the energy channels over the duration of the three week self-healing period.


The hand positions when giving Reiki.


A number of different hand positions for the head, face, chest, abdomen, back, neck, legs and feet, whilst giving treatments to oneself, and clients, and how important good posture and a comfortable working space is to prevent repetitive strain injuries to oneself through bad posture during the treatment process.


The Chakras-energetic centres of the body and their function.


Illness in the physical body, is sometimes seen manifest in the chakra points, which are located in the same position as the Endocrine Glands, that control the function of hormones and the metabolism and in the body. There are seven main chakras located in the physical body, and they also extend into the energy bodies which vibrate in more subtle spheres of consciousness. The teaching will guide Reiki students to where these points are located, and how to sense their presence.


Meditation and Invocation.


Reiki is not just about healing in a physical sense, it also includes the mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of a persons being. Mikao Usui, taught that all disease has both mental and emotional co-ordinates, and how meditation can help develop a persons sensitivity towards becoming a healer, and also, help with the pathway to enlightenment, through direct personal learning from spiritual guides and helpers.


Note: It is important that participants read something about Reiki before they attend, just to familiarise themselves with it. There are some good sources on the internet. I will also make recommendations for suggested reading material. The cost for the Reiki 1 course is 150 euros, and 240 for Reiki 2. Each participant will receive a Reiki manual on completion of the course as well as a certificate.


The courses begin at 10am on each day and finish around 4.30pm. It is suggested that course participants bring with then something to eat for lunch, or alternatively, there are shops quite close by.


For inquiries about Reiki training, or to book a place on the course, or any questions you may have concerning Reiki attunements or the course content, please send mail to: The number of participants is restricted to a maximum of 5, and we welcome new people who want to learn about self-healing and the power of Reiki, and those who have already learned the basics and who want to deepen their healing abilities with Reiki II.


Reiki level 2 healer training, will be held approximately 6-12 months after the level one training and development has been completed please send mail for further info.


The cost for the course is 240 euros per person. Please contact me about booking as soon as possible, and I will also give you a description of the Reiki course content.




The earth-so say the Shamans- possesses a structure that is related in essence to that of the human body. Like us, it has breath - the air. Like us, it has heartbeat-the fiery magma. Like us, it has a skeletal system - the mountains and stones. Like us, it has a musculature the hills and forests. It has glands like us  its mineral wealth. And it has a consciousness, its own thought, of which we ourselves are merely one aspect.

Marie-Lu Lorier.



I also present lectures about the Druids,  Shamanism and Healing by invitation.





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