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Resources and Links

Useful Web Addresses for Information about 12 Step Recovery Groups in the Community in Finland. Meetings Lists and Additional Information about a Variety of Resources Maybe Available too.


AAL - Alkoholistien Aikuiset Lapset:


For information about getting help with alcohol dependency: AA-Alkoholism on sairaus, josta voi toipua.


Narcotics dependency: NA-Nimettömat narkomaanit.


OA-Overeaters Anonymous for compulsive over-eating and food addiction/issues.


For teenagers, and other family members who have been exposed to, or are living with active addiction, visit


Also take a look at The National Association for Children of Alcoholics website:


For Adult Children and People from Dysfunctional Families,who would like to find out a little more about the nature of the recovery process, visit


Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families World Service:


Treatment Facility in Finland, which treats people who are suffering with: Alcoholism, Chemical Dependency, Food, and Relationship Addiction, and Co-dependency see:


For anyone seeking treatment for drug addiction please visit Ridgefield Recovery at the following address:


There is also a Free Councelling Service in Pasila for Men who have issues concerning Domestic Violence. Jussi-toimipiste puh (09) 278 8223 and mobile: 050 324 9168. Sähköposti:


For further information regarding understanding the family roles around addiction, visit:


Addiction, is often referred to as a 'Spiritual Illness', for which up until the beginning of the 20th century, there was little or no relief - recovery.


The solution: Quite often, people who are addicted, and those who have been exposed to active addiction, have to seek special help, a great many do not and sadly, die, or those who survive and are still involved in active addiction, go through incredible suffering throughout their lives, so do the co-victims.


As mentioned above, at the root of every addiction, and indeed the fuel for it, is SHAME. Shame is the toxic emotional substance transferred through the violence, abandonment and rejection, which fills the hole or holes in the soul, where soul loss and division has taken place, and gives a distorted perception of reality. The recovery process is about cleansing or cleaning out the shame, and healing the wounds by spiritual means, which is a long slow process, but a very rewarding one, for those who have the courage to undertake it.


Below is a list of resources, which can be accessed and/or purchased as an aid to gaining awareness and help for individuals who are either addicted, or who have been exposed to addiction, either in childhood or adult life, and who as a result, are having continued relationship difficulty, isolation, depression and life crisis.


Good reading literature and helpful resources about Shame and Co-dependency issues:


John Bradshaw - Healing the Shame that Bind's you. Presentation on you-tube available, also

John Bradshaw - Bradshaw on the Family

John Bradshaw - Family Secrets: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

John Bradshaw - The Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing your Inner Child

John Bradshaw - Creating Love


Janet G. Wolitz - Adult Children of Alcoholics.

Janet G. Wolitz; A Struggle for Intimacy


Melody Beattie - The Co-dependent's guide to the Twelve Steps

Melody Beattie - Co-dependent no more

Melody Beatie - Beyond Codependency and Getting Better all the Time


Charles L Whitfield - Healing the Child Within (excellent text, which is highly recommended for people who are affected by Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Presentations by the author can also be accessed on You Tube.


Gerald Loren Fishkin, PhD. The Psychology of Shame. You Tube


Alice Miller - For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child Rearing and the Roots of Violence

Alice Miller- Prisoners of Childhood: The Drama of The Gifted Child and the Search for the True Self

Alice Miller-Thou Shalt Not Be Aware

Alice Miller-Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries

Alice Miller-The Body Never Lies: The Lingering Effects of Cruel Parenting

Alice Miller-The Truth Will Set You Free: Overcoming Emotional Blindness and Finding Your True Adult Self

Alice Miller-The Untouched Key: Tracing Childhood Trauma in Creativity and Destructiveness

For further info about Alice's work visit


William Bloom - Psychic Protection


Judy Hall - The Art of Psychic Protection


Reading literature on Shamanism and Soul Loss in relation to Addiction


Sandra Ingerman - Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self


Michael Harner - The Way of the Shaman


Peter Aziz - Shamanic Healing: Working with Tree Spirits


Martin Pretchel (Guatamalan Shaman): CD: In Grief and Praise. visit: Martin talks about addiction and the spirit world.


For a good variety of literature on recovery from addiction and the effects of addiction on family members visit:


In addition to John Bradshaw's books mentioned above, John also has a website, where a whole range resources can be seen, which are excellent tools to assist in the recovery process. A good recommendation is the Audio tapes: Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families. Visit: click on the link which says 'order form' and there you will see a list of DVD's, Video's and Audio Cassettes.

Interviews with specialists who discuss the treatment for, and issues of Children of Alcoholic families:

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