Organic Creams, Body Scrubs and Essential Oils

Lavender Cream is a nourishing moisturizer typically used to treat dry skin, scarring and redness. The qualities of Lavender also work on the nervous system helping to reduce stress.
Rose Cream is a beneficial moisturizing cream used for maintaining good skin-tone. The qualities of the plant when applied to the face are also considered to help slow-down the aging of skin. Therefore, rose makes an excellent night cream.
Arnica Montana is one of the oldest plants, which is a natural pain reliever that reduces inflammation in joints and muscles that are sore. The power of the plant also has benefits for fresh injuries providing the skin is not cut.
Tee-Tree is an oil produced in Australia, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore, when combined with a base cream, exceptionally beneficial for skin infections, including treating the symptoms of acne.
The creams cost 14e for the 100ml jar

Body Scrubs

Body Scrubs come in different sizes and are used for cleansing the body. basic ingredients include Virgin olive oil, coarse and fine sea salt and natural essential oils, and come in different mixtures: Yang-Ylang, Fennel and Rosemary; Grapefruit, Juniper and Lavender; Pine, Orange and Lemon, and Myrrh, Cinnamon and Lavender. I am now also making scrubs using tar oil, which has many benefits for skin issues. The mixtures can be applied to the skin in different ways, but are most effective after the sauna when the pores of the skin are open, as this action leaves the skin as smooth as silk afterwards. For use, massage into the body, soles of the feet and head and add the appropriate amount of pressure when scrubbing with a brush or loafer. To wash the mixture off, use soap or shampoo and hot water. The prices vary depending on the size but start at 12e. Please not all scrubs that are sent by post are in plastic re-usable bottles.

Essential Oils for Sauna and Aromatherapy