Francis Joy
Originally from Yorkshire in the United Kingdom, I have worked as an Holistic Body Therapist since 1997, after graduation from the City of Bath College with a diploma awarded by the International Institute of Health and Holistic Therapists and the Association of Reflexologists in London, for my studies. Since this time, I have worked extensively with a focus on addiction and emotional and spiritual healing and well-being, in relation to the effects of addiction upon the body.
I ran a healing practice - clinic in Helsinki, Finland between 2005 and 2010, offering consultation and healing to Individuals, families and groups.
My work has taken me to Poland, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, and more recently, Austria. I have also worked with groups of people from France.
I also have an academic background, receiving a Doctoral Degree from the University of Lapland (Rovaniemi, Finland) in March 2018 in the study of Religion and Art.
In 1997, I joined the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids in the UK and was a member of the Dobunni Druid Grove in Bristol, UK, for 4 years before moving to Finland for academic study purposes. This 4 year period of training included ritual and ceremony, an extensive study of the Bardic Arts and Tree Lore and the use of plants in healing and for ritual and ceremony. Since 2004, I have also trained extensively in the practice of shamanism with the Shamanic Society of Finland, and Carla Cox who is an animal communicator from Arizona and also, undertaken further study both personally and privately with the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and various groups and organizations in relation to healing.
My education, both in terms of healing and academia has included working the members of the Sámi community, who are the Indigenous Peoples of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula in north-west Russia. I have visited Sápmi, the Sámi homeland areas many times and in 2017, I traveled to Paris with a group of Sámi persons from Finland for a 4 day academic conference.
To date, I have 18 published academic articles and one book about Sámi spiritual traditions, pre-historic rock art and pre-Christian religion, as well as a selection of other texts concerned with healing and spirituality. Please see my list of publications page for further information and links.
Concerning the therapeutic work, I offer a range of healing practices including Traditional Japanese Usui and Tibetan Karuna Reiki, which are both Spiritual healing practices. In addition, In addition, I provide Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Facial Acupressure Massage and Holistic Body Massage as well as consultation-coaching. Since 2014, I have worked extensively to educate myself, clients and groups about the detrimental effects of addiction and toxic shame, making presentations in Norway, Sweden and Austria about these subject matters.
In the Druid tradition, the term Shamanism is sometimes used concerning the use of the drum for healing. However, the homogeneous term for a healer within the Druid tradition is Ovate. I also offer healing using the drum and in addition, ceremonial and ritual work, as well as Rites of Passage Ceremonies.

Individual work begins with a consultation to help determine how best to approach a particular issue. The first consultation is usually 75 minutes approximately, followed thereafter by 60 minute appointment or a longer time if agreed beforehand.
In all therapeutic approaches to healing, consultation and body work is combined as a way of creating change and seeking resolution to past and present issues in a safe and secure environment.
Group therapy can take place in a number of ways. The most common is through meditation and visualization work. Typically, the approach and methods used will depend on the needs of the group.
When working with families it is important each person is present for the agreed working framework.
Larger group engagement is also undertaken through audio visual presentation for educational purposes, which is followed by visualization and consultation work.
Couples Therapy is based on the needs of the persons attending counseling and the approach agreed. Often, consultation work is combined with healing and body work.